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Utility Tax Consultants
Judy Hardy
P.O. Box 873, Silsbee TX 77656, US
We Can Retrieve Tax Paid on Electric and Natural Gas and Exempt Status​​
Predominate Useage Study
Texas Rule 3.295​​
Allows us to perform a study​​
on your facility or properties to determine
if you qualify for a
tax refund of up to 4 years and exempt status
(Rule 3.295- Apr 13, 2005)
​(Rule 3.295- Mar 7, 2017)
Predominant use (51% or more of utility used in manufacturing allows for 100% exemption).
Predominant use study must have engineering statement on study. A licensed engineer must affix his or her stamp and sign attesting to the accuracy of the study, OR the engineer must be a graduate from a accredited engineering school to sign off on the study.
Predominant use studies are required.
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